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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Podiatry & Hand & Upper Extremity Orthopedic Surgery located in Worcester & Webster, MA

Podiatry & Hand & Upper Extremity Orthopedic Surgery located in Worcester & Webster, MA

If you drop things frequently because of hand numbness, weakness, pain, or dysfunction, it may be due to carpal tunnel syndrome. The experts at Premier Foot and Ankle Center & Elite Upper Extremity and Plastic Surgery can diagnose and treat this wrist condition, typically with non-surgical approaches. Call the locations in Worcester and Webster, Massachusetts, to schedule an appointment or book one online today.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Q & A

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a wrist condition that usually arises because of overuse. A major nerve in the hand, called the median nerve, passes through an opening in the wrist called the carpal tunnel to enter the hand. 


The median nerve branches into your thumb, index finger, middle finger, and a portion of your ring finger, giving you the ability to feel sensations like pain or touch.

Swelling within the wrist, often from overuse of the joint, causes compression on the median nerve resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Individuals who work on computers or use power tools in their occupation are prone to carpal tunnel syndrome because of their daily movements. You can also experience carpal tunnel syndrome from nerve compression because of:

  • Fluid retention during pregnancy
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Wrist fractures or other traumatic injuries
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Diabetes

Because of their genetics, some people have smaller carpal tunnels than others and are more likely to get carpal tunnel syndrome. 

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms stand out and are easy to identify among other types of pain in the wrist. You might get them in one wrist or both of them. They can vary a bit but may include:

  • Numbness and tingling in your fingers
  • Burning or pain in your fingers
  • Shockwaves that radiate through your wrist and into your hand
  • Hand weakness

These symptoms set in gradually and can get worse the longer you go without treatment; they might even disappear for short periods of time at first. Often, the symptoms are most severe at night, especially if you sleep in a position with your wrists folded. 

What are my treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Premier Foot and Ankle Center & Elite Upper Extremity and Plastic Surgery requests details about your symptoms and performs a physical exam when you first arrive for treatment. 

Your provider might use imaging tests to view the carpal tunnel or electrophysiological tests, like nerve conduction studies or electromyogram (EMG), to measure median nerve activity. 

An early diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome typically doesn’t require surgery. Your providers at Premier Foot and Ankle Center & Elite Upper Extremity and Plastic Surgery will likely suggest treatments like:

  • Wrist bracing or splinting
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Rest and activity modification
  • Steroid injections
  • Physical therapy

If your carpal tunnel syndrome is severe or long-lasting, your provider might suggest a surgery called carpal tunnel release. This relieves pressure from the median nerve by expanding the carpal tunnel opening. 

If you have unusual sensations like tingling or burning in your wrist and fingers, you should seek treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome even if they come and go. Call Premier Foot and Ankle Center & Elite Upper Extremity and Plastic Surgery or book a consultation online today.